Twisted Sister Quilt Along Header

Welcome to the Twisted Sister Quilt Along!

Who are we???  Jenny of Sweet Ruby Designs and Molly of Lovely Threads, two sisters who grew up in a small town in Utah.  We are the two oldest of 7 children.  Yes, our mom is superwoman!  We grew up just down the street from our grandparents and we spent a lot of time there.  Our Grandmother was an avid quilter and there were very few days that there wasn’t a quilt up on frames in the family room with ladies gathered around it quilting.  We both fell in love with this tradition at a young age.   Our mom is also and avid quilter and has helped us along the way as we both became mom’s ourselves and we are so happy to continue this tradition!

Late in 2020 we were chatting about all the quilty things when we decided that it would be super fun to host a quilt along together. So we had a little video chat and designed a quilt together. We all know that two minds are better than one and that proved true as we created a quilt design that we love!

Here’s what you need to know about the quilt along!

When you sign up you will be added to the email list for Lovely Threads and Sweet Ruby Quilts. You will receive emails during the quilt along to keep you up to date on prizes, sponsors, schedule and tips.

The pattern is now available in my shop!

Most of the fun is happening on Instagram so make sure you are following both @mollylovelythreads and @sweetrubyquilts. Our favorite part of quilt alongs are seeing what other people are making and getting new inspiration. Be sure to use the hashtag #twistedsisterqal so everyone can enjoy watching your progress. 

We have provided a coloring sheet you can use as you plan out your fabrics. Click here to download and print it out. 

Please have all of your fabrics ready to go on Week 1.  Here is a list of what you need:

For the Large Throw:

  • Accent Fabric: 12 – 1/3 yard cuts OR 24 ¼ yard cuts OR 24 Fat Quarters
  • Background Fabric: 3 yards
  • Binding Fabric: ⅔ yard
  • Backing Fabric: 6 yards

Your finished quilt will be 72” x 96”. 

For the Small Throw:

  • Accent Fabric: 12 Fat Quarters or 1/3 yard cuts
  • Background Fabric: 1 3/4 yards
  • Binding Fabric: 1/2 yard
  • Backing Fabric: 3 1/4 yards

Your finished quilt will be 48″x72″

You will need all of the basic quilting and sewing tools for this quilt along including a sewing machine and thread, scissors, cutting mat, ruler, and rotary cutter. 

We will be demonstrating using Bloc Loc rulers. They are our favorite way to trim Half Square Triangles. If you would like to purchase one click HERE.

We will also have bundles available to purchase. Each of us are selling different kits. Watch on Instagram for more information of when these will be available.

We will be working on this quilt together for six weeks starting March 1st. The schedule will go like this:

  • Week 1 March 1-7: Cutting
  • Week 2 March 8-14: Make 2 at a time HSTs
  • Week 3 March 15-21 :Make  4 at a time HSTs
  • Week 4 March 22-28: Make 24 blocks
  • Week 5 March 29 – April 4: Make 24 blocks 
  • Week 6 April 5-11: Catch up and Sew Blocks Together

Make sure you are posting every week to be entered into the drawings for prizes. There will be more information on Instagram about how to enter. 

We have provided a checklist to keep you on track.

25 thoughts on “Welcome to the Twisted Sister Quilt Along!”

  1. The links for the coloring page and checklist do not appear to be working. I tried to download them and I got the same Welcome page each time – no color sheet – no checklist.

  2. I’m super excited to do this. I am currently doing my first QAL. So this will be my 2nd QAL with you two lovely ladies. I’m looking foward to doing this QAL in March. And Thank you ever so kindly for the free pattern. You have no idea how much I appreciate the word “free”. But I won’t go into that here.

  3. What would you say is the skill level for this project? I am new to quilting.
    I am currently working on my 3rd quilt a Meadowland quilt. I would love to join and learn mew skills.

  4. Can’t wait!!! my 2 sisters are I are going to do this together. I believe 2 of us are using our ‘stash’ and one is a new quilter so she is searching for fabrics. I’ll have to get labels made to commemorate this project!

  5. Just letting you know there’s a typo in the banner for the QAL – it says 2020 not 2021! I thought I had stumbled on an old post, so I’m glad to see that’s not the case and I can still join in 😊

  6. Hi. Is the background material the “white” of the quilt? I have Sunday picnic (moda) in yellow orange green &white FG I’m not sure what to use for the background material.

  7. So excited to join in!! I have about 5 sets of FQs pulled. My job between now and March 1 is to get it down to one set 🤪 Decisions decisions !!!

  8. I signed up today. Will I still receive the pattern for free and the weekly Monday email? I haven’t yet.

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